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Sea Moss has a plethora of benefits that can aid in heart health, thyroid health, digestion, immunity, and detoxification and is an appetite suppressant that boosts your energy.


It elevates your life and reaches your health goals with nature's most abundant superfood!


Get ready to feel healthier, stronger, and more energized.


Plus, see your hair, nails, and skin improve!


A Few Sea Moss Benefits:

  • boost & support your immune system improves
  • thyroid function
  • increases energy level
  • helps support mental health
  • sinus congestion
  • nourishes skin as it contains collagen


There is an automatic up-charge to add flavors to the gel. 


$3 with the option of strawberry, banana, mango, lemonade, limeade, blueberry, Asian pear, peach, wildberry, pineapple (extra shipping during warm/hot seasons), and apple fall harvest. 

$4 soursop (when available), elderberry, bromide(bladderwrack, sea moss, burdock root), green sea moss, pink sea moss, purple sea moss, and full-spectrum. 

$5 Green Nitro, and Chodrus Crispis (Irish Sea Moss).

Guided By Nature Sea Moss Gel 8 oz.

SKU: 0001
  • Our sea moss can be utilized several diverse ways.

    • In food, beverages, teas, smoothies, and coffee
    • As a food thickener for gravies and sauces
    • In your health and beauty regiment for conditioning, face mask, toner for your skin and body.

    Sea moss is also known as “VEGAN COLLAGEN” and since it is not derived from animals' it is perfect vegans and vegetarians.

    Our sea moss is sourced from the pristine and beautiful warm waters surrounding the island of St. Lucia.


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